Wednesday 20 April 2011

Fancy Grilled Cheese

Tonight I made fancy grilled cheese with basil, tomato, mozzarella, havarti, and ciabatta bread. It was tres delicieux. I fed it to my whole family and they all thoroughly enjoyed it, apparently.
My mom wanted bacon on hers but I refused on the grounds that I'm doing a vegetarian cooking blog.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Fun Fun Fun Fun

I would have cooked today but my family decided to go out to Boston Pizza for dinner (I'm certainly not complaining, it's one of my favourite restaurants). They had a possibly new vegetarian pasta there (or just one I've never noticed). It looked delicious, but since I'm extremely habitual I had what I always have (bandera pizza bread, yum). Tomorrow I will be making fancy vegetarian grilled cheese.
So, to compensate for no posts for 4 days, I have a video of MY favourite chef.

Friday 15 April 2011

Kraft Dinner Surprise

This is Kraft Dinner Surprise. It's Kraft Dinner with corn, parmesan, and fake meat balls. Kraft Dinner Surprise can be made of anything, but that's just what I had around the house.

This was pretty delicious! I did run into some issues, especially that I accidentally grated a stick of butter thinking it was cheese.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Egg Salad Bagels

Today I made egg salad bagels (mostly because we don't have any bread). It was very successful! Unsurprising, due to the fact that I'm a bit of an egg salad expert. I do tend to have trouble with hard boiling eggs though. I never leave them in for long enough and they get all runny. I also got to use the chives I bought for the pasta salad! Yay for reusing ingredients.

You might ask, "Hannah, why are you making a third post even though you don't have to?!"
Well, because I'm an overachiever.
And that's my dog watching me cook. He pretends to like me when he wants food.

Photography by myself (Haley's much better at it).

Wednesday 13 April 2011

BLT Pasta Salad (without the B)

To commence my endeavors I decided to make a "BLT Pasta Salad" without bacon, of course. I found it to be pretty successful. I learned how to mince.

It was quite delicious! Some issues I had were that I didn't cut the thyme fine enough so it got sort of gross. Another issue was that due to technical difficulties I didn't have the entire recipe. I'm fairly sure I used the mayonnaise and sour cream at the wrong time because of this but I don't think it really effected the dish (too much). Haley gave this dish a 7/10 and I gave it a 6/10.
Photography by Haley Myhre

Monday 11 April 2011

This is a blog for Modern Communications 9 in which I learn to cook fancy vegetarian food and feed it to my family and friends (hopefully not somehow injuring myself or others in the process). I am taking recipes from a vegetarian cookbook I have.
I will take pictures of the food I make and possibly myself cooking said food and perhaps myself grocery shopping for ingredients (because I quite enjoy grocery shopping).